The 1000 Year Millennium

Shocking Facts about a Misunderstood
Prophecy and your Eternal Destiny

Frequently Asked Questions

1000 Year Millennium FAQ 1:

Q. Revelation 20:5 says at the end of the 1000 years the rest of the dead will live again and it is the 1st resurrection not the 2nd according to your interpretation.

This is a common mistake made in the reading of this passage.

Note: Chapters and verses are added by the translators and are not in the original Greek text.

Revelation 20:1-5And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (a) But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. (b) This is the first resurrection.

Note that verse 5 is in two parts and should have had a new verse marker placed in between part (a) and part (b).

John the revelator has made a comment in verse 5a that has confused many. (note yellow highlighting) This comment from John is just to clarify when the second resurrection of the wicked is. If you take note of this fact, you should not be confused when reading this passage.

So there are two resurrections. The First is at the beginning of the thousand years which is when Christ returns and the dead in Christ are raised. And the Second is at the end of the thousand years where the wicked are raised and Satan is released, and they try and come against the New Jerusalem. If you do not take note that verse 5a is commenting when the Second resurrection is, then verse 5a and 5b would actually be a contradiction.

When is the First resurrection of the dead?

Revelation 20:4... I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, ... and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 20:6Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

From verse 6 alone we can see that the first resurrection of the dead is before the thousand years, which is at the Second Coming of Christ!

1 Thessalonians 4:16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

When is the Second resurrection of the dead?

When is Satan released? After the thousand years!

Revelation 20:7And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

When are the wicked raised? After the thousand years!

Revelation 20:5aBut the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.

Who comes against the New Jerusalem where God's people will be? Satan and the wicked from the Second resurrection.

So the First resurrection is at the Second Coming of Christ at the beginning of the thousand years. And the Second is when the thousand years are finished!

1000 Year Millennium FAQ 2:

Q. If everyone is destroyed after Gods' judgment, then who are those in Zechariah 14:16, those that are left of all the nations which come against jerusalem; going up to jerusalem to celebrate the feast of tabernacles from year to year? It seems to me that there will be a remnant left. Great web site by the way!

There are many such passages relating to the 1000 year millennium that cause a lot of confusion. We can be assured that there is no contradiction in scripture, and when there appears to be, one should know they are interpreting something wrong. All but one Bible commentary got this chapter right. All other Bible Commentaries used by most Pastors “ummed” and “ahhed” and stated that they could not be sure of what the time period was for this prophecy and just gave their various thoughts and left the reader to decide. The Bible Commentary below had no trouble with this chapter and explains it well. There are many such prophecies in the Bible that were conditional of Israel being faithful.

Zechariah Chapter 14
1 The destroyers of Jerusalem destroyed. 4 The coming of Christ, and the graces of his kingdom. 12 The plague of Jerusalem’s enemies. 16 The remnant shall turn to the Lord, 20 and their spoils shall be holy.
1. Behold .Chapter 14 is a description of events in connection with the second coming of the Messiah in terms of how this spectacular event would have come about if the Israelites who returned from captivity had fulfilled their destiny. Inasmuch as they turned again and again from their high privileges and ultimately rejected the Messiah (Acts 3:13–15), God turned from them. He is now accomplishing His purposes through the Christian church. Care must be exercised when applying the prophecies of Zechariah 14 to our day. The principles outlined must be carefully observed in the interpretation of Zechariah 14 or else unwarranted conclusions may be drawn. See also on Ezekiel 38:1.
2. Gather all nations.The picture here is similar to that presented by Joel (see on Joel 3:1, 2). The prosperity of Israel would have excited the enmity of the nations who are here represented as gathered by God against Jerusalem (see Ezekiel 38:16). However, Zechariah calls attention to a feature of this battle not mentioned by other prophets—the invasion of Judah and Jerusalem would be partially successful.
Not be cut off. The residue not cut off are doubtless the righteous, those brought “through the fire” and refined “as silver” (ch.13:9). The purpose of permitting the attack to succeed in part seems to be to cut off the sinners from Zion.
3. Then. That is, after the partial success of the enemy and the removal of the sinners. The picture here parallels that of Joel 3:16 and of Ezekiel 38:18–23.
4. Mount of Olives. See on Matthew 21:1.
Shall cleave. Verses 4 and 5 describe violent physical changes in the earth’s surface to accompany the divine intervention to destroy the enemy nations. The detailed picture is in terms of how these events would have worked out if Jerusalem had stood forever. Certain features will now be fulfilled at the time the New Jerusalem makes its descent at the end of the millennium. However, not all the details must be so applied.
5. Ye shall flee. A change in vowel pointing gives the reading “shall be stopped up.” This change has the support of the LXX and the Targums. Either meaning is appropriate to the context.
Mountains. Literally, “my mountains.”
Azal. Heb.’aṣal. This place cannot be identified. The LXX reads Iasol, probably to be identified with the wadi Yaṣūl flowing into the Kidron. The reading “the side of it” (RSV) for “Azal” requires the addition of the suffix w, “of it,” in the Hebrew. The Heb.’eṣel means “side.”
Earthquake. This is most probably the earthquake referred to in Amos 1:1.
Shall come. The coming of Christ is here foretold in terms of the circumstances mentioned in comments on v.1. See Revelation 21:2 for the application of this prophecy to the post millennial descent of the New Jerusalem.
Saints. Heb.qedoshim, literally, “holy ones.” The word is applied in the OT both to men (Deut. 33:3; etc.) and to angels (see on Job 15:15; cf. Jude 14).
Thee. The LXX and Syriac read “him.”
6. Clear. The Hebrew of this verse is obscure. The LXX reads, “In that day there shall not be light or cold or frost.” A slight change in the Hebrew gives the reading “cold” for the word translated “light.” It appears that the absence of cold is the point of emphasis. A change of climatic conditions seems to be foretold. Blighting frosts are banished.
7. One day. That is, one “continuous day” (RSV). In its application to the future this verse finds fulfillment in the observation, “for there shall be no night there” (Rev. 21:25; see on Zech. 14:1).
8. Living waters. This prophecy parallels that of Ezekiel 47:1–12 and describes conditions as they might have been (see on Ezekiel 47:1; Revelation 22:1).
Former sea … hinder sea. That is, the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, respectively (see on Numbers 3:23).
9. Shall be king. This was the climactic event toward which ancient prophets and pious men looked with eager anticipation (see Daniel 7:13, 14; Revelation 11:15).
10. As a plain. A prediction of further topographical changes to take place besides those mentioned in v.4. The region here mentioned had formerly been mountainous.
Geba. A place 53/4 mi. (9.2 km.) northeast of Jerusalem, the modern Jeba‘, here used to represent the northern extremity of Judah (see on 2 Kings 23:8).
Rimmon. Doubtless En-rimmon, 9 mi. (14.4 km.) north by east from Beersheba, the modern Khirbet Umm er–Ramāmîn. The place is here used to designate the southern extremity of Judah. Compare 2 Kings 23:8, where Geba and Beersheba are used to designate the northern and southern extremities.
Benjamin’s gate. Probably the same as the Sheep Gate on the northeast corner of the wall (see Jerusalem and Environs in the Time of Jeremiah, and the Jerusalem Region).
First gate. This gate cannot be positively identified. However, the specifications are sufficiently clear without a knowledge of its location.
Corner gate. Mentioned also in 2 Kings 14:13; Jeremiah 31:38. Believed to be the gate on the northwest corner of the wall. Zechariah thus indicates the eastern and western limits of the city.
Tower of Hananeel. A tower in the northern wall (see Jerusalem and Environs in the Time of Jeremiah, and the Jerusalem Region).
King’s winepresses. These cannot be definitely located, but were doubtless in the southern part of the city, perhaps near the king’s garden in the Kidron (see on Nehemiah 3:15). The tower of Hananeel and the king’s wine presses thus designate the northern and southern limits of the city. The picture in the latter part of Zechariah 14:10 is of a city fully inhabited.
11. No more utter destruction. If the nation had continued to fulfill her God-given destiny, the city would have stood forever.
12. The plague. The prophet returns to a discussion of the fate of the nations attacking Jerusalem. The attackers will suffer the scourges of a terrible plague, extraordinarily rapid in its destructiveness. The plague creates a state of frenzy and panic resulting in mutual extermination (v.13).
14. Fight at Jerusalem. This may also be translated “fight against Jerusalem” (see RSV). According to v.2 Jerusalem had fallen to the enemy. Even though Yahweh was fighting for Jerusalem (vs.12-13), the people, too, had a part to play.
15. Plague of the horse. The same plague that fell upon men (vs. 12-13) would also fall upon the enemies’ beasts of burden and upon their cattle.
16. Shall even go up. The object of the divine blessing upon Israel was to give a demonstration of what God was willing to do for all nations. Overawed by recent happenings and assured of God’s willingness to accept the worship of all men, the survivors from the attacking nations would seek the God of Israel and go up year by year to worship at Jerusalem.
Feast of tabernacles. For a description of this feast see on Leviticus 23:34, 40. Zechariah describes a stage in the restoration preliminary to the close of probation and the final eradication of sin and sinners, as events would have come to pass had the Jews been faithful. The same is true of certain passages in Isaiah (see on Isaiah 65:17, 20).
17. Will not come up. This verse supports the observation made in the comments on v.16, that the prophet describes a preliminary stage in the complete restoration of the earth. There is still danger of rebellion, and those who may be rebelliously inclined are warned of the punishment to follow.
18. Egypt. Probably singled out for mention because of its long history of rebellion against God, or simply as an illustration of the experience of all nations. It had doubtless been among the nations attacking Jerusalem (v.2), and among its survivors there were now worshipers of Jehovah (v.16). The land of Egypt depended upon the Nile for its irrigation. Lack of rainfall at the headwaters of the river would mean complete economic disaster for the nation.
20. Bells of the horses. The horses are probably those of the travelers to Jerusalem from all lands. Formerly the horses of other nations approaching Jerusalem were often the signal for war. Now the sounds made by the tinkling of the horses’ ornaments were welcome music, for they told of bands of worshipers making their way to Jerusalem. The inscription, “Holiness to the Lord,” formerly borne on the miter of the high priest (Exodus 28:36-37), was now the motto of the worshipers.
The pots. The mention of the pots and bowls in vs. 20-21 seems to refer to the necessity of consecrating a large number of vessels because of the large number of worshippers who would come to Jerusalem.
21. The Canaanite. Heb.kena‘ani. The word is translated “merchant” in Job 41:6 and Proverbs 31:24 and should probably be so rendered here. In an economy in which members from all nations were welcome no one would be excluded because of his nationality. But merchants of the type that Jesus drove out of the Temple (Matthew 21:12) would not be tolerated.

1000 Year Millennium FAQ 3:

Q. I am confused on the part where fire comes down on Gog and Magog in the beloved city and how that beloved city is New Jerusalem, when New jerusalem has not come down yet. Please explain. Thanks.

The first thing to note and remember is that chapters, verses and punctuation were added by the translators and that Revelation is not a chronological book.

One will note that many things in Revelation may appear to be out of order but is due to the way that most Bible prophecy is written. One must observe the principle of repeat and enlarge that is frequently used. The author often gives some general outline detail and then repeats it with more or different detail. Have a close look at Revelation chapter 20 and you can see what I mean. It reads a bit like a newspaper. It first gives some detail and then goes back over it again with more and or different detail. For example. Verse 10 speaks of the final judgment in hell fire and obviously happens after what is described in verse 11. You cannot have the judgment of the wicked after they are being burnt in the lake of fire! Some common sense and logic must prevail when interpreting the book of Revelation. Verse 11 describes the final judgment that occurs just before hell fire. Verse 10 is finishing of one part with specific facts while verse 11 now goes back and repeats with more information and in this case of the judgment that occurs before the lake of fire. Now remember that chapters do not exist in the original text and were added by the translators. Chapter 21 now continues giving more detail on the “beloved city” (Revelation 20:9) (The New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:2) that descends down before the judgment.

Revelation 20:10And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Revelation 20:11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

1000 Year Millennium FAQ 4:

Here are two recently asked questions that can be explained with the same answer.

Q1. Revelation 20:9 says they marched up over the broad plain of the “EARTH” and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them. This says that the saints are on earth during the 1000 year reign.

Q2. If the saints are in heaven during the 1000 year reign then how can they be in a camp which is attacked by Satan and his followers at the end of the 1000 years, which is the new Jerusalem on earth.

Please read frequently asked question 2 above first for crucial information that is needed to understand the following explanation.

Having read FAQ 2 above and now understanding that Revelation is not and cannot be a chronological book, note the order of events after the millennium. The wicked are resurrected and Satan is loosed (Revelation 20:3, 5a, 7). The Holy City descends from God out of Heaven (Revelation 21:2, 10), The wicked surround God’s Holy City. (Revelation 20:7-9) The wicked are judged before God’s “Great White Throne” (Revelation 20:11-13). The wicked are destroyed by fire (Revelation 20:9, 14-15). So when the wicked surround the Holy City to attack it, fire comes down from God out of heaven and devours them. This lake of fire is the second death. Please also read Revelation Bible Prophecy chapter 20 and Revelation Bible Prophecy chapter 21 for verse by verse detail.

1000 Year Millennium FAQ 5:

This one is not so much a question although it has been asked, which is what is the purpose of the Millennium? One person asked and wrote the following.

I loved reading your material, “The 1000 Year Millennium”. I just wanted to add something. You wrote: “if planet Earth is depopulated, with no survivors (except Satan and his angels), and the saints are in heaven, then what is the purpose of the 1000 years? A few possibilities exist...”

I would like to add that it gives these saints a chance to grow toward perfection. Humans are not perfect as we were born in sin. We will not become perfect just because we die. The 1000 years without Satan's influence will allow us to grow toward perfection as we should be.

Please feel free to add your FAQ on the 1000 year millennium.